Most of you know that we have been trying to start a family for many years. We’ve been trying to get pregnant for over seven years now, and trying to adopt internationally for three years, neither of which have worked out so far. We are still in the process of trying to adopt from Uganda, but since things have slowed down to a snails pace with the Ugandan adoption process our agency has been advising us to “pursue other options”, which is never a good sign. Basically the country of Uganda is moving away from international adoption right now, which obviously stinks for us. We are planning to stay on the Uganda waiting list for as long as it takes, unless the country closes the doors to international adoption completely, but while we wait we decided to do one more big push to try and get pregnant. So right now we are actually in the middle of the in-vetro process, and we decided that we need the prayers of our friends and family now more than ever. I decided to get back to blogging in an effort to get as many people praying for us these next few weeks as possible!
Over the past seven years, we have been to six fertility specialists, none of whom were ever able to tell us why we couldn’t get pregnant. We have tried everything other than in-vetro, which we were holding off on for several reasons. Mostly because there are certain aspects of the in-vetro process that we didn’t feel completely comfortable with, and also because we didn’t know what was causing our infertility so there was no way to know if in-vetro would even be likely to work for us. Through a friend, we heard about a doctor in Dallas (a 3 hour drive from Norman) who is amazing. We decided to give him a try, and within a few months he found several things that could potentially be contributing to our infertility, and based on what he found he strongly recommended in-vetro as our best option. He also said based on what he found that its sort of now or never for us, so we needed to get started ASAP. He also was willing to work with us on our ethical concerns, and we are able to pick the maximum number of eggs we would like them to fertilize so that we don’t end up with a bunch of extra embryos at the end that we don’t know what to do with. Win. So here we are, driving to Dallas 2 or 3 times a week and doing 4 shots in my belly every day getting ready to do this. Yikes.

So here is what the next few weeks is going to look like, and what you can specifically be praying for when you think of us!
This week: Continuing daily injections and driving to Dallas every other day to monitor my follicles. Pray for endurance, it’s been a long month already and we are tired of all the driving and multiple daily shots.
End of this week: Egg retrieval- a small surgery where they remove all the eggs they have been getting me to produce. That same day, they will fertilize the best eggs with Jeremy’s sperm and watch for 3-5 days to see how many of them become embryos. Pray that the retrieval goes well, and that the exact number of embryos form that the Lord would have for us!
Beginning of next week: Egg Transfer- they will put 2 of the embryos back in and we will wait to see if either of them “take”. If we have more than 2 embryos, the rest will be frozen for us to use at a later date. We plan to implant all embryos eventually. Pray that my body is able to support one or both of the embryos and that we are able to get pregnant!
The following week: I will start having blood tests every 3-4 days to see if we are pregnant, and if the levels continue to rise as they should. If the tests are positive, we aren’t really in the clear yet, that’s why they have to do multiple tests every few days. Pray for the tests to be positive, and for my levels to continue to raise as they should, resulting in a successful pregnancy!
And throughout the whole process, please pray for our hearts. Pray that we will continue to trust in the goodness of our God and Father. Pray that we are able to come to him with the deepest desires of our hearts with fervency and passion, holding nothing back, knowing that He is able to bless us with a baby if He wills, but at the same time that even if He doesn’t allow us to get pregnant we can still say with confidence and truly believe that He is good and He is for us!
Thanks friends, we love you all and we will continue to keep you all posted here on the blog over the next few weeks!! Thanks for your prayers!!!!!
Love the Hagers