

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Still Waiting.... And Waiting... And Waiting Some More...

I've been a little absent from the blog lately... fall is my busiest season for photography and that has unfortunately left little time for much else. I wanted to hop on though just to keep you all in the loop on our adoption progress. (If you can call it that!)

When we first went through the application process we were told that there would be around a 6 month wait for a referral (which just means a photo and history of a specific child that we can decide to accept or not). Shortly after, we were told the wait may take more like 7-9 months. Then a few weeks ago, we got another email saying that because of some in-country delays that are out of our agency's control, the wait will probably be closer to a year. Yeah. Not really what we wanted to hear.

It got me thinking about how much I want so badly to be able to control everything in my life, but at the same time how incredibly grateful I am that I can't. Not just that I can't, but more importantly that I serve a God who can and does perfectly. In my limited vision I flounder through life making "plans" and thinking I know what's best. I can't help but shudder when I think what my life would be like if I got everything I thought I wanted, when I wanted it.

Any good father loves his children enough to tell them "no" or "not now" when he can see the consequences of what they are asking for, or when he know's there is something better waiting for them  instead. Like a child, sometimes I want to throw a tantrum or stomp off when my heavenly Father responds to my prayers for a house full of children with a gentle "not now". But I also know that He is good, and He is for me, and He is completely in control of all of this. Who am I to think my plans are better?

Many of you dear friends have asked how you can pray for us during this adoption journey. Of course I want you all to pray that it would move fast, and that everything would go smoothly without any hiccups. What I want prayer for more though, is that we will continue to trust in the Lord's goodness no matter how many delays we face, and that we would desire His plans above our own. I wan't to be able to look back on this time in my life and see the fruit that comes with trials, not a wasted opportunity to know Him more intimately.

The heart of man plans his way,
but the LORD establishes his steps.
(Proverbs 16:9 ESV)