We have been blown away by the amount of support that you all have shown us these past few days! From the beginning we have been very open about our struggles with infertility. Probably a little too open, I’ve been known to tell people all about our story within minutes of meeting them! The amazing thing about that though is we truly feel like we are not going through this alone. We’ve been flooded with texts and emails, and some of our friends have even started a prayer schedule so that we would have prayer every hour tonight and tomorrow morning! Wow, we really are just so humbled and speechless by how amazing you all are. Thank you so much for caring about us and lifting up our desires to be able to get pregnant! You all are amazing and we are so encouraged by you all!
We are hanging out in Dallas tonight, ready to go in for my egg retrieval tomorrow morning! We will be getting there at 6:45 am, and the actual retrieval will happen at 7:30. We would love prayer that the retrieval would go well with no complications, and that they would be able to retrieve the exact amount of quality mature eggs that we need! One of the most stressful things for us about this whole process has been deciding how many eggs we will allow the doctors to fertilize. It's common to have quite a few eggs at retrieval, and most of the time all mature eggs get fertilized. If you then get pregnant on the first attempt you are faced with the tough decision of what to do with the extra embryos. They can be frozen to implant later, or they can be destroyed, donated to science, or adopted by other couples. We have made the decision that every egg that gets fertilized will eventually be implanted, as we weren't comfortable with any of the other options. The hard part is that every couple is different as far as how many embryos it takes to achieve a successful pregnancy, since not all embryos will grow at all, or if they do grow initially there is still only a 50% chance that they will result in a pregnancy once implanted. If we pick too small of a number, we drastically reduce our chances of it working at all if we end up being one of those couples who have a lot of failed attempts, but if we choose too high of a number and more than average “take”, we are essentially saying we are committing to eventually having that many kids. So needless to say its been a tough decision. We feel confident that even in all of this, God is ultimately in control and He is the one who breathes life into all living things, and in the end we will end up with exactly the number of children He has for us!
Thanks again for your prayers, we will continue to keep you all posted!
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